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The Clan Of The Cave Bear
(Jean M. Auel)

The first in a long line of long waited for novels, for any one who has read these works know of the frustration of checking month by month for news of the Next one out. Reading these novels is like taking a step back in time, to a time when men and women's lives depended on long lost skills, vicious environmental conditions and beasts which roamed the plains of Europe in a manner we today would find terrifying if we were subjected to it.
The research the author went to has to be mind boggling, the details perfect. To read her descriptions on making flint tools is almost the same as reading an instruction manual. The reader feels as though they can run outside hunt for the materials; find them then start making the complicated tools she describes in her novels.
Who hasn?t read one or her mouth watering recipes and wanted to go out and hunt down a woolly mammoth and slap a huge steak on a big hot stone and fry it with mouth-watering herbs that most of us considered wild weeds growing at the bottom of the garden.
Of course the humanity of the characters are what really make this a rewarding read, even though most of the characters in this first novel aren?t even what we today would describe as human beings but Neanderthal men and women. Their thoughts and actions have been written by a person who truly understands the nature of our human condition and the end of the novel will put the reader in a mad scramble to secure the second in the series, which anything is even more brilliant than the first, but more of that at a later date.
This is a book, which could fulfil many different roll in life, from simply a good read to a hitchhikers guide to prehistoric life. Any graduate in pre history would be in my opinion little more than a fool not to own the whole series.

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