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Street Of The Limit
(Mohamed , El jerroudi)

August 12, 2003, at 2 o'clock in the morning I walked in the streets of Liege, after having spent a whole day mislaid in the middle of an immense crowd which celebrate the centenary of the writer George Simenon.
The night was dolce. The silence was my only companion .J' were far from the centre town.

When tiredness started to wrap me with his pond. I decided to return at home to rest me a little .J' were very close to the apartment of my son located in a street badly lightness .I want to press the step when suddenly I stumbled on a body lengthened on the ground. A great stupor cut me the breath. I immediately thought of a assassinating. I lent to me to escape, when the person who lay by ground tended me his hand and pronounced incomprehensible words.

I renege quickly my courage and I approached: it stay a woman the alcohol which it drank it impeach her to be raised.
- Make Madam an effort, do not remain here. You are likely to be attacked! I say.
It looked at me and says to me while testing ached its intoxication.
- are You Arabic?
- Yes I am Arab.
- me also I am Moroccan born at liège , and you?
- Moroccan.
It begged me to help it to go up to its apartment because it knew that I am the father of sound neighbour .Arrived on the 3rd floor, she gave me the key. She had a living room in disorder .Il had bottles of wine everywhere until I did not know where to put the foot. I lengthened it on a fauteuil. She indicated me a chair and I was awkward I could not what asked me to remain one moment make, what to say? From time to time I posed a glance on a corner of the living room, the dame take a wine bottle and fills two glasses .I swallowed mine in one feature. It gave me another of them while smiling. With fourth glass I felt a soft heat to cross my body. To the wall a photograph of a teenager drew my attention.
- They is your sons? I asked her.
- Yes he is my son and my brother at the same time.
- What?
- Yes I did it with my father.
I felt that the ceiling went broken on my head .I taken quickly my package of cigarettes and directed me towards the exit. Once in the hall I intended it to push cries. It cried so extremely?
I enter in the apartment of my son, I have taken a bottle of whisky and I started
to drink more until I 'm did not rappelling at which time I lost conscience.

The following day a cacophony awoke me. I left to see what happened. I meet the lady of the day before smiling to me .From her mouth ran blood with flood .The nurses tried to put it on a stretcher. It pushed back them and descended to the ambulance.
Before going up there it looked at us and will open his mouth .her lung was cut. I, which knew its history I understand now why it is mutilate .She' want never to speak about her son who is his brother.
The policeman who writes on a bit of paper asked about the street. STREET OF THE LIMIT, answered a boy who resembled much to wich I saw the day before on

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