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Oliver Twist
(Charles Dickens)

paper examines how in the novel "Oliver Twist", Oliver lives a
predominantly sad life of loss and despair and how Dickens uses imagery
and setting to create a tone of hopelessness. "Dickens
uses imagery to support a tone of hopelessness. Dickens employs the
phrase "despised by all, pitied by none" (28) to suggest the hardships
that Oliver was born into, and the hardships that would carry on for a
great portion of his life. His father died before Oliver was born, and
his mother died while giving birth to him. He was born into the poverty
of a horrifying orphanage where he would spend the first nine years of
his life. He was lucky enough to survive the harsh conditions of the
orphanage where the overseers would keep the money from the government
and starve the children. Oliver had learned, in a non-respectable way,
"that self-preservation is the first law of nature" (53). He became
dependent on thievery as a way of survival. "

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