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We Born To Enjoy In This World (drinking)

We most of us scared towards drinkers in the society.
But, we have to think do they born with the drinking
Habit from the child wood? No body born with any
Wrong motive in the world. We are all motivated by
Our friends, family, office, and the society.

Any where in the world drinking is quite common?
In some countries it is completely prohibited and
In some countries its punishable also.
At the same time great genius people had the habit
Of drinking. It is in the histories.

It is not suggested for any body to drink and be a
Genius. All the habits are not spoiling your health
If it is under control of a man. In the alcohol
It is one thing sure, some people search the god
Inside of our body and they are happy. Some
People search mad inside the body and they suffer.

One should ask him self should I drink? Why?
What is the use? If he is not able to find any answer
Within him, better not to touch alcohol.

When there are drinks available without alcohol,
With the very same effects, one should make a
Question why I should spoil my health with
This no use alcohol.

Resumos Relacionados

- What Is Alcohal?

- How Can I Avoid Drinking?

- How Does Alcohal Affect?

- Smashed: Story Of A Drunken Girlhood

- Drinking Games

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