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(Helen Muir)

The book is about two people, one a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go after it even if it seems to be hopeless and pointless. The second one is a man who not only doesn't know what he wants but doesn't seem to know why he is still breathing. The man is very successful and not bad looking but he has a problem of falling asleep at the wrong times. When the two meet and the woman decides that she wants him regardless that he is far from being Mr. perfect and doesn't show much interestes she goes all out to hook him and keep him. What is fustrating for the girl is that they are not compatible and the guy is too lazy to even tidy up his own space. What is fustrating to the guy is no matter how much he tries, he just can't seem to get it right. The more he tries the more he gets to her nerves and when he doesn't try the girl sulk for days, not that he notices most of the time. Circumtances forces him to move in with her and life is like a rollercoaster ride for both of them without any of them enjoying it. Now and again the woman convinces herself that it will work and soon after that he would do something annoying and she would kick himm out of her house. The man realises how important the relationship is to the woman and honestly tries to like the same things that she likes but always he can't pretend or fake it that long, so no matter what happens or what the intentions are, the woman ends up upset and the man ends up kicked up. But like all love stories, they live happily ever after, after their son got shot accidentally at a party forcing them to realise that there are more important things in life than being perfect or compatible.

Resumos Relacionados

- A Nice Poem For All The Women In The Universe

- The Perfect Man And A Perfect Woman.

- Little Women

- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

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