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Karnatic Musicway,,,,(part- 4)

Karnatic music way is also for external bright life. In other music you may not
Aware of which tune it is? And what made you to act better? If you listen to
Karnatic music every sound is identified by its listeners. Of course people
May not be in a position learn, or may not be in a position to sing, or to play
Any musical instruments are committed as fans.

In the other music people go for dancing, mixing with others, group gathering,
Drinking, chatting, dinner etc. You do not provide any thing you give a good
Concert of karnatic music either an instrumental or vocal.
People will automatically arrive in to the spot. Listen the
Concert politely without any disturbance to another listener.

People more proud if they are in a position to identify scales (ragas).
It is absolutely experiencing truth any reader of this try to find out
The basic notes that you listen, any music you listen. How many of
Sing happy birth day to you song, how many times you should have
Listened? What makes you while listening? Or you happy with the
Lyric, or you happy with the tune. Or happy with both together?
The happy birth day song is based in the raga sankarabarnam.

Now you know raga of the tune you are involved and enjoyed,
Is sankarabarnam. If you like very much, you will take in to
Your mind and you know the group of notes which made you
Happy. Like any tunes you come across you can save it in
Your mind. You can be happy by recollecting it. If you have
Atleast 5 ragas in your mind. You will be very proud for
Your inner beauty.

Resumos Relacionados

- Karnaicmusic Way............

- What Is Music.

- Karnatic Musicway,,,,(part 3)

- Music Education

- Music

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