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The Ultimate Destination

When we want to travel from one place to another place, we use different options.
There are many different modes of travels to reach that place. A person who travels by a cycle reaches his place after a very long time. A person who travels by a car or by a bus reaches his place a little earlier. But, the person who travels by flight takes a very short time to reach his place. In all the above cases, the difference is only the time.
starting place is the same and the reaching place is the same.
It is the same with the realisation of God. When we follow the easiest way, we can realize Him very soon. When we follow the other paths, they take a longer duration.
We have to understand which is the easiest way to reach that stage. Meditation is the answer. Through meditation we can acheive it without any strain to the body and mind.
What is meditation? Keepint the mind without any thoughts and bringing to a still stage is the first step of it. But it is very difficult to keep the mind calm and blank.
In the begining stage, it would take a very long time to fix it. There should be no diversion of thoughts. If we think of God alone, it would be possible. When we think of Him, there would be no clash of thoughts. It is always better to sit stright and close the eyes and start to think of God. When we close our eyes, the inner eye opens. This is the logic. When we start meditation, in the early stages, we may feel difficult to keep the mind still. But by regular practice, it would not take much time for that. We must bring this as our regular practice and this would change our life completely.

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