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Snow Doesn't Give A Damn
(Luciano Ligabue)

This is the second book by great Luciano Ligabue who, after a collection of short tales, makes his first attempt at a real novel. As a background to a beautiful love story we have a futuristic world where procreations and births happen artificially. In this world life goes on "in crescendo" that is one is born with the body of an old person and, as years go by he gets nearer and nearer to childhood. Wrinkles vanish instead of appearing as time goes by . At first sight this appears to be the best possible world , but control is total. In fact everybody has the right to be happy and the Vidor Plan tries to make sure this is just what happens. Even infidelities can happen in pre-arranged numbers and moments. In this much sweeter sort of 1984 video cameras watch everything.... but not under the snow, and there is where one can talk without fearing to be heard. A sweet and at the same time melancholic novel, that makes us think that maybe, and only maybe, our current world is not that bad. Very good work by Ligabue who again proves to be an extremely versatile artist.

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