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When The Night Is At Its Darkest
(john marsden)

I have read "When The Night Is at its Darkest" by John Marsden. The book is mainly aimed at young people but also at adults. The book has 255 pages and was published in 1997. This is the second book in a series of seven. The scen is set in Australia, the reader is not given any indication as to which year, but that is of no great importance. I believe the story is told in the near future. Australia has been invaded, and a group of 8 youths, Lee, Homer, Robyn, Ellie, Corrie, Kevin, Chris and Fi, have organised their own gerilla group. Together they live in a valley which they all call "Hell". This is where they live and gather if anything happens whilst out on a mission. Several minor relationships occure between the youths. It has been necessary for Kevin and Corrie to leave the group. The remainders continue the struggle for freedom.They all expose themselves to danger but believe it to be necessary to end the war. Many times they are close to being discovered. During all this, the love between Lee and Ellie keeps growing. But Ellie is concerned about Lee since he is very coldblooded. The team are not prepared to give up the battle, even after one of the members is killed in a very unexpected way. I believe this to be one of the best books I have read. It contains so many different aspects, right and wrong, life and death, love and evil. What is great about this book, is that it is so exciting and you never get tired of what is happening. In a lot of books, the same things are discussed over and over again. Whilst in this book, romance, love, war and survival is mixed in a very good way. It is easy to believe that all of the youths are the main characters, when really Ellie is the only one since she is the narrator through the whole book. The book contains quite a few conversations between two characters, discussing what they used to do, how they are feeling and why the war started. Here is an axample of one of the conversations: "Are you alright affter all that shooting?" "I don´t know. I don´t know any more how I am feeling." "But you still have feelings?" "Oh yes, but just one or two. And both of them seem to be bad ones nowadays." "Well, which ones are they?" "Fear. Anger. Depression. Is that enough?" "No good feelings at all?" "Not many anyway" "None?" "I know what you want me to say..Love for you and all of that..isn´t it?" "No. That´s not what I wanted you to say. I did´nt even thing of that. I am just worried about you." "I am sorry. Sorry. It seems as if I can´t even think like a normal person any more." This is a conversation between Ellie an Lee who have been in a relationship for quite some time. I chose it because it pretty good at showing what it is like being at war. Not feeling good. You just want everything to go back to normal. The way it was before the war. In that aspect, the book is quite deep. The reader is told how the characters are feeling, what they want to do and why. It is necessary to keep thinking whilst reading the book because it is easy to get completely lost otherwise.Since it is so exciting, you don´t want to stop reading it and therefor it is a great shame that it´s so short. I would have liked it to be 500 pages long. John Marsden, is a very detailed author, so it is easy to imagine what things look like and what is going on. That, I think is one of the best things about this book. I would love to read some other of his books. He was born in Australia and is one of the country´s most famous authors. At the age of 55 he also teaches English. A lot of the times he writes about girls and often, the girls are the narrators of his stories. You are never told why the title of the book is "When The Night Is at its Darkest", but believe he chose to call the book that since it is always night when the gang attack the enemy. I will recommend friends and adults to read this book and I would also like to read the remaining books in the series.

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