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Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 27
(Bhagavan Sri Sathya Saibaba)

Sathya Sai Speaks series is according to late Professor N
Kasturi, the original translator and compiler, ?a fragrant boquet of
flowers that never fade or falter?.

This book, volume 27
consist of 33 discourses of Sri Sathya Saibaba.

All the discourses emphasize the values of Sanathan dharma.
Truth, peace, righteousness, love and nonviolence are being preached by Sri
Sahya Saibaba.

The discourses with titles, ? Cultivate forgiveness and
love, Spiritual significance of festivals, Food ? the heart and the mind,
Bhagavan?s valedictory address, Disease and Divinity, Start propagation in
primary school, Imbibe Bhaarath?s ideals, Sathya and Dharma: basis of life,
Foster love: eschew hatred, Time is God: make best use of it etc. are all wonderful in
its contents.

The eternal values are simplified so that a layman can also
understand the upanishad?s secrets from Baba?s lips.

A glossary is also added to provide comprehensive and
detailed explanation of the more important Sanskrit words for the benefit of
lay readers. This would also beneficial for the foreigners too who could
clearly understand more clearly the topics of Baba?s discourses covering a wide
spectrum of Vedic Philosophy.

Short stories, similies, Vedic quotes are all interwined in
these discourses.

For the devotees of Saibaba , this book is a must. For
ardent seekers of Truth, this book will be a value added addition. One can buy
this book and benefit himself to the maximum extent possible.

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- Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 4

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