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The Tipping Point; How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference
(Malcom Gladwell)

Abstract of the book
"The Tipping Point"
How little things can make a big difference

Having picked up the up while travelling, not by choice, but having been given by a fellow traveler, I set out to read it reluctantly. Jump scanning of the few sections of the book brought out widely differing aspects such as epidemics, simple analysis of the process of communication between two people, recall effectiveness of TV spots, how some phrases become sticky, and power of context suddenly created an interest in the book.

Staring with the analysis of how an epidemic takes place, he leads us to the manner in which communication or the word of mouth can cause a logaritmic spread of information effectively. That was so even when the modren systems of fast and widespread comminication did not exist. He develops some of the very interesting concepts such as "the power of the few (which explains some of the odd human behavioural patterns such as an individual comes to help in crisis while a group will just keep seeing)", "stickiness (or effective retention) of information", "impotance of the context" and "effect of body language influencing the perception and acceptance of the information".

Malcom Gladwell is quite crisp, explains with simple examples and brings out the aspects of social behaviour, social dynamics and effect of peer group response. Reading is easy and the text is well written to cause effective registration.

The book is very interesting and develops the manner in which information flows and how analysis of the sequence of steps in communication can cause or create a multiplier effect. Malcolm Gladwell has avery simple way of narating and analysing in a very simple and lucid text, categorisation of different types of communicators, their effectiveness in conveying information with an impact causing the information to stick.

The analysis will throw open the mechanism by which great mass movement incidents have taken place and would be an eye opener for us to utilize the key concepts for making ourselves more effective. The analysis would be particularly benefit people in the advertising field, marketing, managers and administrators so that their communications can tip the scales in their favour for producing results.
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