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Risk Scales And Factors Predictive Of Sexual Offence Recidivism
(Leam A. Craig ; Kevin D. Browne ; Ian Stringer)

The authors assert that the ability to accurately predict the risk of recidivism for sexual offenders has implications for the offender as well as society. Actuarial risk assessment instruments are widely used to predict the likelihood of re-offending for this population. The authors reviewed the 12 most widely used actuarial risk assessment instruments used in the assessment of sexual offenders. The authors present this review in an easy to read table format. Their review uncovered the fact that 10 of these 12 instruments more accurately measured general recidivism instead of the more specific sexual offense recidivism. Furthermore, they found that seven of the instruments did not take into account the effects of treatment on the offender. Finally, the authors discovered that 10 of the risk assessment instruments focused mainly on static risk factors, ignoring or glossing over dynamic risk factors. As such, the authors state that the use of these risk assessment instruments is in question. They assert that the use of static risk factors combined with dynamic risk factors provide a more reliable measurement instrument. The authors conclude that the re-tooling of actuarial risk assessment measures is a public health issue given the implications of releasing sexual offenders into society.

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