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The Birth Of A Poem ( Article)
(Dr Karanam Rao)

The Birth of A Poem By Dr Karanam Rao It?s rather difficult to gauge what in fact that triggers a poem- call it inspiration or an incident in which you are involved or when you happen to see an captivating face in the crowd. But when it comes, it comes as naturally as hiccups. It doesn?t matter what ?form? it takes or what length it spreads into like an onion of a poem like Sri Aurobondo?s ?Savithri?.It?s the originality, or the emotive power that takes you into the lyrical exuberance, that counts, and not the accoutrements that are superficial. The matrix of a poem is its experiential content, its lyric impulse that takes you into the lilt of expressive identity, and to the heights of shared experience that comes with the fine tuning of its expression, the judicious choice of words, and the metaphors of response which concurrently form the ornate traceries of the poet?s felt experience. Take for instance the strikingly vivid imagery from Eliot?s avant garde poem, ?Prufrock? where the poet writes on the stillness of the evening. Let us go you and I When the evening is spread out Against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table.It is this esthetically offensive imagery that holds the poem, ordering the experience and the epiphany, that is the malaise of contemporary existence. It?s this typically ironic tone and imagery that make Eliot?s poem quintessentially modern. Thus, it?s image or metaphor, syntax or symbol that amplifies and ordinates the poem into the lyric ambiance. Look at this typical postmodern poem: ?Shoreline? by Mary Bernard. The sea has made a wall for its defense of falling water. Those whose importance leads them to its morning ledgers it rejects. Those who surrender it will with the next wave drag under. Sand is the beginning and the end of our dominion.The images are acerbic, appropriate and what is more suitably syncretic with the tone and tenor of the poem. No word superfluous, and metaphor is sullied. This is perhaps the best exemplification what a typically contemporary American poem could be. Its simplicity is almost Frostian, though its texture is typically Yeatsian. Or take this typical poem where Anne Porter speaks of the equal planets. ?Winter Twilight? In a clear winter?s evening The crescent moon And the round squirrel?s nest In the bare oak Are equal planets.The facile, almost bare boned quality of this poem makes it all the more significant not because of its lucidity but because of its profundity of meaning where the metaphor turns into the epiphany, and the manifoldness of its structure. In all these explicative and explorative endeavors, it?s the reader-response that holds a key to the success o failure of a poem. If a poem has its swaying power, and if it succeeds in what Robert Frost says: ?A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom?, it has surely achieved its desired objective. And it survives as long as it enthralls and instructs like a luminous star in the firmament of readers? imagination.

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