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(Paulo Coelho)

Zahir is a word form islamic tradition. It means someone or
something, what we can meet on our way and who or what will
become our obsession. Something we will never forget. How
many of us experienced anything that special? How many of us
met our Zahir not even knowing about it untill the moment...
Exactly... So many times we have heard - We were together
for so long. Ther were better or worse moments and now she
or he left wihtout even a word... And I can't forget. I see
her/him everywhere. In every song, gesture, in a crowd in
the street, in every untold word. She/he is in my every
thought when I go asleep and when I open my eyes in the
morning. How many of us saw for oneself that we met on our
way that kind of a person, but we were underestimating her
or his presence untill she\he left? One day a known
wrighters whife disappears without leaving a trace. Her
money and passport also disappears. Nobody knows what has
happened. Kidnapping? Murder? Maybe a lover? Yet she was
seen with a young man the day before her disappearance. The
wrighter is trying to get on with her absence. He tries to
put his life in order again. He mets another woman, but
Ester is still beside him. In his every thought. She becomes
his obsession. Like a drug, without which we can't live. He
starts to fell, that he can't live without her and decides
to find his ZAHIR at any price. He setts off on a long and
dangerous journey to the Central Asia steppe. Exactly where
her trace stops. Will he find her? What will his Zahir tell
to him when they'll meet? What wil happen to their lifes?
What will he find out? Will they be able to forgive each
other and be together again?
It is a wonderfully written history, which seems to be the
autors biography. A history, which can give us a lot. Maybe
we will understand that we should appreciate what we have,
before we'll lose it. I'm inviting to read this book.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Zahir

- The Zahir

- The Zahir

- The Zahir

- The Zahir

Passei.com.br | Biografias


