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The Divine Comedy
(Dante Alighieri)

Every time that Dante use the word God in his comedy, u can read it man.The divine comedy is a fantastic travel in the worlds of poems.
Written by Dante in Volgare (the first model of italian languages), La Commedia ( the adjective Divina was added later) start with the famous Nel mezzo del camin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
So the poet started his travel, from Hell to Paradise.
Full of symbolism , the first tree beast are an ideal example, this journey is not only religious.
It is the poet, or better, the man that is going to visit Hell, guided by Virgilio( a famous latin poet) , dante will meet sinner punished with the Contrappasso's law for their sin.
inferno is a spiral where in every lvel there is a determinated kind of sinner with their relative punition.
In the Inferno dante will put his political enemy but non only, remarkable are the Ulysse's verses where the mythological hero is punished for his willingnes to know more about the world an d aslo the verses of the two lovers are precious examples of poems.
It is a long travel with a lot of example un til Dante will go to the Paradise, where he will meet Beatrice (his romantic love) and will come back on the surface'earth admiring the stars.

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- The Divine Comedy

- The Divine Comedy

- The Divine Comedy

- Biography Of Dante

- The Divine Comedy

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