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The Valley Of Horses
(Jean M. Auel)

In this continuing sequel of Clan of the Cave Bear, Ayla was cruelly tossed out by the Clan members, (mainly Broud).
She was told to go find the Others, and she wanders about trying to find a place to settle in.

As she continues her hunting as in the book before, Ayla meets a foal, whom she names Whinney. And interestingly, later a baby cub, who she calls Baby. These are her friends. But Ayla is still very lonely without human companionship.

On the other side of the fence is Jondular. He is making a journey, traveling across the Great Mother river.
Tragedy strikes however, and he and Ayla will cross paths.
Ayla finds Jondular in pain and goes to rescue him. It is here that everything in the story changes
This is the second book of a series of six, (four of which are published), and deals with the woman Ayla, who, after being cursed with death by the clan of neanderthals who raised her, finds her way to a cave and lives for three years, during which Jondalar, the male main character, travels with his brother until they are attacked by the cave lion Ayla raised, and is rescued by her. They fall in love, but have a problem overcoming differences.
Jean M. Auel introduced Ayla in Clan of the Cave Bear, forming a brave, courageous woman who captured our hearts. In The Valley of Horses, Ayla now travels alone, searching for her own kind and a place to call home. She discovers inside of herself a strength she never knew she had, and survives against all odds. Paralleling her journey, Jondalar is making one of his own, from city to village, as he draws ever nearer to her solitary life. Each has their own adventures, and their own losses. Each finds their own joys and triumphes. Finally, they are brought together, finally to find the love they were both destined for.

During the first book in the Earth's Children series, Ayla suffered ignominiously at the hands of brutish men of the Clan of the Cave Bear. Near the end of the book, she was cast out of the Clan because she dared to use a slingshot to hunt with, among other things. Raped, beat-up, scorned, and finally exiled by men, she was well on her way to becoming a man-hater by the end of the book. What made The Valley of the Horses a welcome relief because early in this book, she meets a man of her own kind and for the first time she admires a man, finds him interesting.Ayla could not get enough of looking at him, and she studied his face as though she were trying to satisfy all at one time her years of yearning for the sight of another human. . . . [from page facing Title Page]For the first time she meets someone who has a name that is not a series of grunts, someone with the hunting, thinking, and speaks skills that rival her own. Suddenly the prospect of actually enjoying sexual intercourse opens to her. On the plains, with horses, bountiful game, and a new mate, Jondalar, the dark desperation of her cave days is washed away in sunlight and happiness. Two adventurers on horseback at the dawn of humankind.
The spark from her flint kindles a fire in the hearts of those she meets. She follows Jondalar to meet his people and wonders where her people are. Who taught you to make fire that way? someone asked her. Ayla do, was her answer, as she struggled with a language that had no word to express her I - that fire, that I of Ayla shines through all of the Earth's Children series. Don't skip over this one!

Resumos Relacionados

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Valley Of Horses

- The Valley Of Horses

- The Mammoth Hunters

- The Valley Of Horses

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