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(Sylvie Germain)

So who is this Magnus? He would probably like to know himself. Magnus
is his threadbare teddybear. But could it possibly also be him? His
memories start at the age of five. Cue an eventful life. Enter his
parents, dignitiaries (and for the father- torturer) in nazi Germany.
The fall of the empire, heralds flight and fear. His father is wanted,
and escapes his pursuers moving from hiding place to hiding place. Gone
are the laughter and the songs, gone are the easy days. His beautiful
mother who loves him so, stops laughing and smiling. His father, whom
he always found cold and unloving loses his haughtiness as a result of
going to ground. Then their flight stops. His father, using underground
networks established by the nazis, leaves for Mexico, from whence he
assures that he will do all necessary to get his mother and him
to join him. But as time passes and his mothers health deteriorates,
misery sets in, and when eventually word arrives of the father, the
news is not good. Weary of being hunted the father has killed himself.
His mother, sensing her own death, entrusts him to his uncle, an
anti nazi vicar, who fled Germany and settled in England with his
family before the war. So once again he finds himself, as a
preadolescent child heading for a new life, burdened by the past of his
parents for which he was not responsible. From one event to the next,
Magnus the teddybear and his owner attempt to negotiate a path through
life, and to hold onto an ever changing, elusive identity, against a
troubled past and diffcult future amongst some of the women that they
will love. This wonderful novel is full of twists and turns,
and suberblywritten . Literature in its truest form......

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