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(Christopher Paolini)

Magic! Dragons! Elves! Dwarves! Young Eragon, living in the mundane town of Carvahall in Alagaesia, never thought that these were anything more than stories made to entertain kids at night. But when Eragon stumbles onto a sapphire - blue stone while hunting in the forest, he finds that he has accidentally entered the world of the legendary Riders.

The Riders were peacekeepers of the old, an ancient United Nations that included elves, dwarves and men. Each Rider had the strength of steel, the heart of gold but most importantly a fire-breathing, somersaulting, claw-slashing dragon! While a dragon was still in his egg, he would choose his master. An unbreakable bond of compassion and trust would be formed between the two, a bond that ventured far beyond the realm of any other relationship. A bond that made the two separate entities, one. After rigorous training, the master would become a Rider, who would be headed by the elite Council of Elders.
Galbatorix too was a Rider, full of zest and talent, outshining the rest of his generation. But things went wrong as Galbatorix's life was ripped when his dragon died. Galbatorix appealed to the Council of Elders for another dragon, but they turned down his request. Seething with frustration, anger and resentment towards the Council, Galbatorix and his 13 followers tore away from the Riders to form their own group. Since that moment, Galbatorix and his right hand man Morzan, slashed through the protective forces of the Riders and hurled their wrath throughout Alagaesia, in search of another dragon. A few years later, the Riders are wiped out and a new body establishes its control over Alagaesia? the Forsworn.

Into this world of dirty politics and blind violence enters Eragon. Eragon lived his entire life with his uncle Garrow and cousin Roran, never knowing his parents. The blue stone he found, turned out to be a dragon's egg, an aqua- blue dragon, whom Eragon christens Saphira. For a few months, Eragon's life is the happiest it ever was and perhaps ever will be.

But when news of Saphira reaches Galbatorix, he turns his curse onto Carvahall. Garrow, Eragon's uncle, is brutally murdered, but Eragon and Saphira manage to escape thanks to Brom, the village story- teller. Or is he? Brom and Eragon start off on a journey to the HQ of the Varden, a group of skilled soldiers and magicians fighting Galbatorix. As the journey continues, Eragon realizes that Brom was an extraordinary man, who has chosen to hide behind the mask of a story teller. Along the way, Brom teaches Eragon about the Riders and Galbatorix. Brom also teaches Eragon how to use a sword and gifts him the blood red sword, Zar'roc. Eragon is given his first taste of magic and immediately thereafter his first taste of murder as he slews the vile Urgals.

During their trip, Eragon, Brom and Saphira become closer than ever before and Eragon learns that it is the mind that wields magic, not a wand. However, before Eragon can grow to love Brom, the story teller is killed by the Urgals. Eragon is saved from the same fate by a young man called Murtagh. Just before Brom dies however, Eragon comes to know that Brom too is a Rider, a legend in his own way. Murtagh and Eragon become firm friends and soon save the beautifully exotic, but unconscious elf Arya, from the clutches of a powerful, bloodthirsty Shade.

Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh and Arya make their way to the HQ of the Varden where a fierce battle rages between Eragon and the Urgals. The Urgals are defeated and Eragon is hailed as a miraculous new discovery, a new Rider! Eragon and Arya receive medicines for their injuries, but Murtagh is not given the same treatment as he has finally admits to the fact that he is Murtagh, son of Morzan!

Eragon is distraught at this news, but puts it behind him as a new battle wages. More Urgals fight the Varden and a fierce, lightning fast battle ensues between the Shade and Eragon. Eragon kills the Shade (with a little hefrom Arya and Saphira) but is marled for life with a huge scar on his back where the Shade struck him.

This is where Eragon, Book One of the Inheritance trilogy, ends, with Book Two (Eldest) already anxiously waiting to be read.

Paolini has managed to combine a bit of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Star wars to make a trilogy that is gripping to say the least. However, at times the language used and the emotions portrayed, do not flow smoothly and act as speed-breakers in an otherwise mature plot.

The description of all the characters is excellent, and that of Saphira is brilliantly etched, making her an immensely likable dragon, with a rib-tickling sense of humor. Paolini has made his own language which the elves and the dwarves use. Though this unnecessarily makes the book confusing, there is a dictionary provided at the back of the book for Paolini?s language. Also, the book tends to jump around a lot from place to place and one needs to constantly keep referring to the map of Alagaesia that is provided, which is annoying.

However, for those who enjoy reading magic fiction, this book is a must ? read simply because of its novel use of dragons as full-fledged characters!

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