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On Animation

Abstract: On AnimationThere are two kinds of animation; one is 2D, another is 3D.2D
animation is called traditional one. 3D animation is the application of
computer graphics, which display 3D image on the computer screen.Let
us talk 2D animation first. Traditionally, animation is done by artists
who make cartoon movie, called animators. There are two kinds of frames
in cartoon image sequence, key frames and in-between frames. First, the
principal artist draws the key frames, and then the in-between
animators draw the cartoon images between two key frames, that are only
black lines on the white paper. The problem of traditional animation is
costing and time-consuming! Let us imagine how many days to finish more
than ten thousand of full color cartoon pictures? The cartoon movies
need 24 frames per second. If the cartoon show lasts 24 minutes, we
need about 35 thousand full color pictures.This two decades, many
people applies computer to draw cartoon animation. For 2D, flash is the
best one. For 3D, 3ds Max and Maya are famous. The task to create 3D
model is not easy to handle, so do for rendering. To do the job
efficiently, we need high performance computer. The most difficult part
is to add movement, facial expression and exaggeration into character
in animation! It is very difficult to make the character acting
naturally and smoothly.What is the solution for cost-effective and
time-saving? The book "Animation" will tell you a new technique to deal
with the problem above.

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