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Educación Y Sociología Traducción En Inglés
(Durkheim, Emile)

The social character of the Educaciòn educaciòn obtains socializaciòn metòdica of jòvenes. Each individual has an individual being and a social being.

his social being is not espontàneo nor congènito. He does not inherit themselves nor he arises by chance, acquires itself by the influence of the society.

The same man by sì for Durkheim is a asocial being egoìsta and, but he needs the paper educiòn to adapt to the social life.

The human race has east privilege that the difference of the animal and other species, since educaciòn covers necessities that have the people of all type: nuns, of the knowledge, science, etc.

Sabidurìa human, the knowledge are not extinguished with the one death generaciòn, to be accumulated and this acumulaciòn indefinite is the one that allows that same the human being perpetùe to sì, grows without lìmites and is different and is superior to the animals.

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