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Little Women
(louisa may alcott)

Louisa Alcott wrote many books however I believe that Little Women holds a very dear place in all of our hearts. This is a very real story which the reader can easily bring alive and relate to the characters, even in today's modern society. The book brings you right into the home of the four March sisters during a time of great upheavel and tragedy. It is set in the civil war period and the readers grows with the four completely different characters:

Meg - the very practical sister
Jo - the sister with the bigger ideas who wants to visit the entire world and experience it all
Beth - the sweet motherly sister
Amy - the youngest and most childish of the four systers whom everyone adores.

This family have to deal with mild poverty when their Father is called off to the civil war. The girls stay with Marmee who, despite having very little money, manages to keep all of their spirits up with gardening, writing, art and homemade plays.

The book brings you from their early experiences through to womanhood whereby Meg gets married to the man or her dreams. Joe takes off to find herself and ends up writing which is her own inner dream. She finds her true love, although he is considerably older than her and eventually manages to find herself and release forever her inner tomboy. Beth goes to Europe with her very proper and aged aunt only to find love there and little amy dies which in itself, is heartbreaking. This pulls the family even closer together.

Whilst the book is a very large on I would advise that you consider it an adventure. The writing is very finely detailed, the characters are very real and overall it is a very rare classic novel that is still relevant, funny, heartbreaking and fresh today as it was when first written by Louisa May Alcott.

To sum up, the story is very realistic, excellent detailed characters and is for everyone. A timeless classic great written by an excellent author.

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- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

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