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Stories Of Eva Luna
(Isabelle Allende)

Have you ever had a meal that made all your senses tingle and made you feel warm and wanting to come back for more and more every time? That is a feeling that you get from reading Isabelle Allende?s book ?Stories of Eva Luna?. Your mind will be as a hungry child as you will experience every emotion through her colorful pallet of words.
It engulfs our imagination as a young woman lies in bed telling her lover stories that are part true and part fable; and Eva Luna is her name. Eva brings out every emotion as she tells stories like the one about the gypsy girl that wasn?t afraid to meet a fearsome leader and make him hers by telling him one word. Also she told a story about trust and friendship, where a man, after his wife was killed, still didn?t believe the prime suspect, because he knew the suspect better. Stories where romance flourished, where rich had problems as well as the poor, where the landscape was more beautiful than in the pictures, where friendships were formed and tested, and lives were all meaningful an important regardless the position.
Stories of Eva Luna is like a modern day stories of Grimm Brothers for adults. They are the stories that all of us know and can relate to in one way or the other, making them the stories that we would want to comeback to again and again. Therefore the stories of Eva Luna are a great success, served up to us in just a right portion, like a great meal, and available at book stores through out, but better enjoyed at home with a glass of wine.

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