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Pursuation By Jean Austin

Pusuation by Jean Austin


was Austen's final completed novel and was written between 1815 and 1816, and
published incompletely revised immediately after her death with Northanger
Abbey. As so often in Austen's novels, Persuasion concerns the
social issues of her time and particularly the matter of class. The story
begins with the letting of Sir Walter Elliot's seat, Kellynch Hall, to his
annoyance as a man of self-aggrandizing and showy tendencies. Persuasion is
the tale of the romance between his pretty and friendly younger daughter Anne
who meets the novel's hero, Captain Wentworth and in spite of social barriers
and the rival Musgrove sisters - Louisa and Henrietta - pursues his affection
having once turned him down as a spouse. Accidents and various engagements
ensue leading to what the reader hopes will be another finale of poetic justice
and requited love. Persuasion was written between August, 1815 and
August, 1816. During this time, Jane Austen began to suffer from the illness
which would, in July of 1817 and at the age of 42, take her life. She did not
live to see its publication, which occurred in the year following her death. Persuasion
and Northanger Abbey were published together by Miss Austen's brother,
Henry Austen, who had long been a champion of his sister's work. It was he who
chose the title for this novel, and unfortunately, we can never know what Jane
herself might have named it.While she had published anonymously during her
lifetime, Henry was always eager to let everyone know of the talents of his
beloved sister. In publishing these last two of her novels, Henry wished the
world to know the identity of the author of Pride and Prejudice, Sense
and Sensibility, Mansfield
Park, and Emma.
He therefore wrote an introduction to the novels, telling of her authorship,
her life, and her too-early death. The "Biographical Notice of the
Author" is a touching memorial to the love of a brother for his sister and
shows the respect and regard that he held for her. The following pages are the
production of a pen which has already contributed in no small degree to the
entertainment of the public. And when the public, which has not been insensible
to the merits of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma, shall be informed that the
hand which guided that pen is now moldering in the grave, perhaps a brief
account of Jane Austen will be read with a kindlier sentiment than simple
curiosity.Short and easy will
be the task of the mere biographer. A life of usefulness, literature, and
religion, was not by any means a life of event. To those who lament their
irreparable loss, it is consolatory to think that, as she never deserved
disapprobation, so, in the circle of her family and friends, she never met
reproof; that her wishes were not only reasonable, but gratified; and that to
the little disappointments incidental to human life was never added, even for a
moment, an abatement of goodwill from any who knew her.

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- Emma

- Persuasion

- Emma

- Pride And Prejudice

- Persuasion

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