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The Hours
(Michael Cunningham)

Don't worry about readability this is a book you can slip in your pocket and read on the tube,on the toilet...'The Hours' is a short book that acts as a Greek chorus on the 1925 book 'Mrs Dalloway' by Virginia Woolf.Thus Cunningham spins his post-modern threads linking the three lives of Clarissa Vaughn,a New York hostess in 2001,Mrs Brown,a suicidal Californian housewife in 1949, and Virginia Woolf herself writing 'Mrs Dalloway' in London in 1923.Should we live or should we not live?The book uses the theme of suicide to meditate on the chimera that is the word,the word itself,language as representation.And when you've read the book check out the film.It's even better!

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- Mrs. Dalloway

- Mrs Dalloway

- Mrs Dalloway

- Mrs. Dalloway

- Mrs. Dalloway

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