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You Can Win

You can win, if you know the methods?
Let me tell you tips.
*You need others? help, anyhow.
*Review your strength and weakness. Let your strength help you, do not let your weakness stop you, to maximize your potential.
*Commit to what is good for you.
*Build confidence, to accomplish something, let you have more and more confidence.
*Never let anyone stop you for better life.
*We live in free country, and deserve to have decency.
*Try to think big to make more money, never turn yourself down.
*Try to make easy money and quick money, but it should be legal.
*To do it, do not just talking.
*If you need to know something, it is better to try, not just guess.If
something is favourable, try to do more. If it is not so, get rid it as
soon as possible.
*Write down is better than try to remember.
*If something costs you too much time or money, it is better to write down memorandum.
*Try to know more about new technologies, and use them.
*Success needs marketing.
*Facing rejection, the best way is to forget or ignore it.
*If you can not get recognition, never lose heart, continue your
effort.Persist what is right; correct what is wrong. Try to improve
something which is not good enough.
*Be realistic; never try to escape from reality. But never give up hope, dream and idealism.

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