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Gandhian Doctrine Of Trusteeship
(S. Indira)

Since ancient times, to regulate the desires man approached the institution of economics. Generally man is governed by greed, selfishness and jealousy. Dependence on material comforts provided progress in the lust for money, sex and power. Ultimately these feelings end up with two groups- haves and have- nots. History is a record of constant wars and violence to prove superiority over other. The materialistic nature of man brought self-alienation among Indians in the name of caste, creed, colour and race. This is more conspicuous during the rule of British. In Indian history the value for higher and nobler goals is degenerated. Due to the western influence, to day Indian man is suffering with torn personality. With varied duplications and falsities he has totally forgotten his glorious culture and tradition. He has forgotten his ultimate goal ? ?know thy self?. As a result he is living in the society where superstition, segregation and self-destruction are reigning. The two major systems-Capitalism and Communism failed to keep humanity at peace.

Capitalism stands for ownership. It is a system of possession which exploits labor. It reduces man into capital. In capitalism power will be concentrated in few hands. There will be a vast disparity between the rich and the poor. The working class will be exploited. The dealings are always commercialized. There won?t be any human touch. Capitalism is totally failed to establish a strong world for the future generations. As an alternative to Capitalism, Communism has arose. Basically communists believe that, selfishness is the root cause for man?s sufferings. It aims at decentralization of economic power. It?s goal is to establish the egalitarian society. But it wishes to remove the capitalist violently. It is a historical truth that violence breeds violence. The fundamental flaw of communism lies in neglecting this aspect of human life. Instead of bringing classless society, it gave birth to new ways of competition, oppression and new classes. The human kind is searching for the powerful alternative. At this juncture Gandhiji suggested ?Trusteeship?. It is an essential part of Gandhiji?s moral, economic and practical philosophy. This concept is in practice since time immemorial. The book high lightens the concept of trusteeship, it?s nature, techniques and also the methods. It explains the pragmatic implications of trusteeship. It is a definite alternative to the amassing wealth and it is a means of noble action to bring an egalitarian society.

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