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Little Rabbit

Once upon a time there was a lovely princes guarded by a terrible fire-breezing dragon.
Stop, stop, wait, this is the other fairy-tale, not the one I need.

The sun was shining, birds were singing their wonderful songs, and then?
Suddenly a huge black horrible cloud came from nowhere and bram-brom ? the thunder hit the earth. Little rabbit started to tremble. Crash-crash-brash ? sounded the forest.
? Oh, I am so scared? little rabbit cried with his thin voice. ?It must be this bad witch - she came for me, she is going to eat me! I heard a lot of horrible stories about her! Oh My God! She is going to get me!?.
And he placed his long white ears as tight to his head as he could.
In a couple of seconds the bad witch herself came right in front of our little friend. ?Who!? - cried the witch. ?Who-whoooo? ? repeated an eco in the forest. ?Who dared to come into My kingdom?!?
?You, little slug. Do you know what I can do with you? I will turn you into a frog, into a horrible creature, into a dragon! I will make you my slave for an eternity!
Little rabbit couldn?t even tremble now. But he was not a coward, so he decided to act. ?Oh, dearest and most powerful Miss witch. I am your humble servant. I heard so much stories about your deed.
I was so impressed by your wit, your unbelievable power, that I came here just to see your strength by my own eyes so I could tell to everyone I know about your wonderful magician gifts. Bad witch was so glad that he is her fan, she was so pleased that she showed to him all her magic secrets and then let him go and even gave him some T-shirts for her other fans. That?s how our little rabbit escaped from the bad witch.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

- The Magician's Nephew

- The Untamed One

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