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A Robber Outwitted

A Robber Outwitted

Vembu and Kamala were celebrating
their son mani?s birthday. The house was packed with
relatives.,friends and neighbours. Mutjhu looked after all
arrangements for the feast. Special sweets and other
delicacies were made for the occasion. One of Kamala?s
close friends could not come as her child was ill. Kiamala
told muthu that some sweets should be sent ot her friend
before the fesat began Muthu promised to do so. Muthu
packed the sweets in a beautiful silved box. He entrusted
subbu with the task. Papa,that lady?s house is on th
eother side of thevillage, said subbu. It?ll take a long
time for me to go and come back. I may not be back intime
for the feast. ?No,Subbu,you can come back in time,?said
his father. ?Take the short cut through the fields and
run.? Subbu had ot go. He took the box and ran through
the fields and delievered it to kamala?s friend. When he
started to return, the lady called him back and said,?Wait
a minute and take back the silver box.? After emptying the
box,she handed it over to subbu. He started walking back
home through the fields. Soon henoticed that someone was
following him. He became suspicious. He thought that the
stranger was a robber. Subbu was frightened. He started
running. He noticed that the man behind him also started
running. Subbu was very and ran faster. The stranger also
ran faster. He was getting nearer to Subbu. It was clear
that the stranger was a robber who wanted the silver box.
Subbu was running past a well suddenly an idea occurred to
him. He stopped running and sat on the wall of the well.
He placed the silver box by his side. Leaning over,.
Hepeered down into the well. As the robber reached the
well,Subbu burst our crying. The man was taken aback. The
boy continued to cry loudly. The robber was afraid that the
boy?s crying would attract people. He asked subbu what the
matter was. Subbu sobbed and said. ?I was tired after
running with this heavy silver box. I wanted ot drink a
little water and looked into the well to wee how I could do
that then suddenly bad luck struck.And he started to cry
again. What happened? Tell me. I?ll try to help
you,?said the robber. ?As I was looking down into the
well,?Said Subbu,?my gold chain with the paendant fell int
othe water. My father and mother will be angry if I lose
it. Only last week they spent a lot of money and had it
made for me. Thependant was beautiful with sparkling
diamonds and rubies and the chain was of pure gold. Now
that I ahvelost it, how can I go home?? Subbu looked so
sad that the robber believed him. He thought the clain with
thependant was much more valuable than the silver
box. ?oplease don?t cry,? said the robber. ?I?ll recover
your chain andpendant.? The robber climbed down into the
well and idved into the water insearch of the chain. Subbu
picked up the silver box and ran home as fast as
hecould.hetole the story to others and he became the hero
who had outwitted a robber.

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