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Jurrasic Park
(Crichton; Michael)

One of the most popular movies of the 21st century, but have you read the
book? Everyone is familiar with the story but i?ll briefly summarize. On an island
in the pacific they have genetically engineered dinosaurs. They intend to use the
place as dinosaur theme park. A group of specialists are invited to the island to
premier what has been created. At first all seems to be going well. But all is not
what it seems. Then things take a turn for the worst.
I am a big fan of Michael Crichton and this is the fifth book of his I have read. I
must say it?s one of his best. Its an action packed, on the edge of your seat,
adventure story. Just imagine how scared you be if something as big and
dangerous as a T - Rex was after you, or the deadly and crafty velocirapter. It?s a
fight for survival and Crichton is masterful at creating suspense.
Fortunately it was a long time ago that I watched the movie, so I had pretty
much forgotten it. The book takes the reader to new place that the movie doesn?
t go. The characters are basically the same with a couple of additions, but they
are people that you really root for. Such an original idea written by an
accomplished author, you can?t go wrong. Can?t wait to read The Lost World.

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