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Great Expectations
(Charles Dickens)

As a young man, Pip is led into making grave mistakes based on his false expectation of being a gentleman, his false expectation of marrying Estella, and his general false expectation of rising above his past. Ultimately, he learns that true worth comes from inside a man, and turns away from his once-great expectations.
Major Themes: Exploration of human emotional growth; Self-improvement; personal ambition.
Minor Themes: Loyalty, social class, innocence.
Symbolism/Motifs: Satis House, Drummle (upper class); The clocks in Satis House don't work and time has stopped;. The way Estella is talked about, from Pip's point of view. What does the name Estella mean? "Stella" is Latin for star. Estella can be compared to a star as she is cold and distant, as well as being the faroff point that Pip strives to attain. Look at how he talks about her and the references in the text. The name is a big hint. Also, the references to burning. There are a few in there with Miss Havisham and Pip.
Irony: Pip believes Miss Havisham was his benefactor and that he can have Estella but he finds out that Magwitch is his benefactor and Estella was never meant for him.
Mood: Dual; tragedy and sadness.

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