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The Images Of Brazil In The Book O Estrangeiro By Plínio Salgado
(Lúcio Júnior)

This work aims to analyze the book O Estrangeiro (1926), authored by Plínio Salgado, searching for the images of Brazil therein. Literary critics regarding this book always considered it as mere manifesto of the ?integralismo? (a brazilian nationalist and catholic movement), a hyphoteses not accepted by us. Even the critics who disagreed with the former opinion (Maria Augusta Dorea) also reinforced the continuity from literature to politics in the books of Salgado. We suggest a new approach, which intends to demonstrate The following statement: O Estrangeiro was a fictional chronicle and does not represent a simple anticipation of the ?integralismo?. We revised the available bibliography regarding Plínio Salgado, considering as starting points the works of two critcs (Eliana Dutra and José Chasin) who did not agree with the hegemonic assumption that the ?integralismo? was a form of fascism. When treating the ?integralismo? as romantic critique about the capitalism, Dutra and Chasin provided the opportunity for us to reevaluate O Estrangeiro, under the presumption that this book is, in fact, a modernist literary work. We realated O Estrangeiro to other Brazilian books (immediate preceding and/or contemporary ones), from modernist authors such as Graça Aranha, Oswald de Andrade and Mário de Andrade. We discussed the own assertions of Plínio Salgado about his romance and concluded that the images of Brazil inside the text of O Estrangeiro are constructed and deconstructed, a process which produces melancholy and bitterness.

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