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What Indian Cricket League Means


               Subash Chandra has done a near Packer in India and for all we know  it could be an emerging alternative.  But that is far into the future. 

     BCCI is obviously in tenterhooks but a lot of dirt   is also unnecessarily thrown on its face.    True,  it has a huge amount of money and one does not know how much of it  is spent towards the game''s development and that of cricketers.   In Cricket Controversies Sidhu asked Kapil Dev whether Rs. 35,000 was not enough as pension for a cricketer.    In Indian standards it is definitely enough for any cricketer but Kapil Dev  was labouring too much on the point that players  of the 70s were  badly treated.   A lot of money has been flowing into the game since the mid-80s  and cricketers  have undoubtedly  benefited from it.  

    Kapil asked uncharacterestically what was wrong with the intent to make money  and cricketers could also be a Tata or a Birla.    Nothing obviously, in our era of globalisation.  Also think of the millions in our country  who live below the poverty line and also retired cream who are depending on their pension or monthly income accruing from investments as senior citizens.   There is a parallel and considering all these Rsa. 35,000 as pension should be a substantial sum indeed going by the present price  levels.

    What will happen?  BCCI will act tough and perhaps deny use of their grounds for ICL''s 20 over tournament.   ICL is looking ahead to promoting tests and also one dayers. 
It is unthinkable as of now to think of a reconciliation between the two.    It will take years.  ICL is banking on ad revenue a nd TV rights and will perhaps succeed in it.  ICC is a spineless outfit and cannot do much about it.   PCB is acting tough with its players by imposing a ban and BCCI will no doubt  follow suit. 

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