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The Sacred Hoop ( Recovering The Feminine In American Indian Traditions).
(Paula Ginn Allen)

Like every woman, the Indian American women are determined to adapt in a way that blend their traditional definition of a woman and the modern definition of a woman, no matter the difference.                                                                                                            
Native American women are known by their tribe. They own everything and who they are to the tribe they belong.
In some tribes she is just part of the family, in others, she is very important. But never, is she compared with the women in the industrial and postindustrial culture.
Mythic figures of women are common among Indian tribes, unlike in western world; where they place little or no values on them, portrayed to reassert the required cultural functions of a woman, and to warn her of the western distortion of reality.
Irrespective of the tribal perceptions of women, they still appreciate their natural ability. Some even see women as ?almighty?, but never as weaklings. Each tribal woman is provided with images of an ideal woman, in spiritual and physical realm.
Being half American Indian, Allen wonders about the negative images, and found none in particular, towards Indian women; but to all Indians ? from non-Indians, in opposition.
Her mother and grandmother taught her about being woman. She recalls the women she had seen when she was growing up; none strikes her as weakling or imbecile, however their difference in character. She recalls women of all kinds of traits. She remembers all the goddesses of creation.
The arrival of the British disintegrated their distinguishing cultural values, leaving the native language ? which allows them link between the past and the presence ? the enduring mark; that relate the modern Native American woman with her root; though, sometimes it is hard to blend into the world she now resides. 
Her mother used to tell her stories; about womanhood; about nature; of social life; about religions; about procreation, especially, about her lineage.
Allen was shocked to find out the opinion of non-Indian about life, and their misconception of tradition. More so, the insinuation, The White, made about menstruating Indian women, seen as corrupted and therefore, restrained from The Clean, men, in outings. Conversely, her mother had taught her that menstruation was a ?normal occurrence?, and that, the White people, had repelling reaction toward it.
Allen was relieved by some tribe?s ?own explanation? of the ?menstrual taboo?, that menstruating women have enough force to neutralize and disempower.
Ironically, women have vital roles in ritual rites among many tribes. Women in various emotional or physical states perform certain rite that is unique to their empowering state. Just like women, men are also restrained on certain occasions, to even power.
Women are thought to have inborn supernatural power in their hormonal life. In certain tribe, inexperienced women are not allowed to practice medicine, for lack hormonal-power suppression. Women were not (then) anywhere near the label ?weaker sex?; the revolution of the elegant white sisters.
Allen recalls her mother would move about anything at home without assistance. And just like her mother she would load her father?s truck, and this had encouraged her has she grows older
Her mother had told her about the tribal people women who would climb with water pot on the head.
Allen had inherited her beliefs of an ideal woman from her mother?s lineage
This has become a trend in most Indian women that struggle to adjust between two distinct cultural definitions of a woman. In their effort to create balance, they go extreme; and disaster ensues.
The urgency of the historical conquest, earned them the ?searing mark? of degradation, which born the Indians proclamation; ?If You?re Indian You?re In?.                   

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