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Losing My Virginity
(Richard Branson)

?Losing My Virginity? is an apt
title for Richard Branson?s autobiography as unlike Losing your virginity, in
whatever world you make for yourself, you can keep embracing new and different repeatedly.
Richard is included in the list of top ten influential people of the world. His
zeal to make VIRGIN a global brand, persistence adherence to innovation and
always improvising upon his peccadilloes is impeccably captured by this master


The book starts with delineating
the modest background and inherent moral values that run through the Branson
lineage. Richard was neither a child prodigy nor precocious. Instead, he was
dyslexic, worse at math and dismal at problem solving. It contains his
horrifying and bizarre memoirs of circumventing the globe in a balloon
jeopardizing his life along with his crew. It is a captivating and compelling
story of a maverick that treads on to a road less traveled propelled by his
luck and astute sense of judgment. This book contains his experiences of his
emotional bonding with his staff, mutual respect for his colleagues, providing
an ensemble of righteousness to his organization and a perpetual avidness of
outperforming himself. It constitutes every nook and crevice of making of a
gargantuan organization, right from its inception, by Richard-whose mammoth
list of achievements are unparalleled by any other UK businessman. It showcase the
grit and unimpeachable self confidence of Virgin Atlantic, who being a David,
confronts with hideous and anarchic policies of British Airways, who were no
less then Goliath and emerged victorious in one of the worst fought battle of
corporate world. It should not be considered as a guidebook to start business
as Richard has his own style of foraying into new ventures and tackling the
undulating and flickering market forces which should not be mimicked by anyone.


A spellbinding and a brilliant saga
of Virgin group which thrives on maintaining just and fair competition,
spawning avant-garde techniques and integrating market resources to provide
better lives to hoi polloi, told by magnanimous mortal with a golden heart.

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- Richard Brason: Losing My Virginity

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


