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A Code Coded For A Family Decode

Follow to 01 To all the world, Before all it do to know that one family isn?t only the presence of one group of persons bring the same name., living under the same roof, belonging to the same nationality, living the same daily or again attached to the same ideological movements or other. It?s all a other world that the incomprehensible kingdom of the politic must understand and in the other univers, there are of course the culture of the family which is tight in the same time to inside of our schools, in the university that level to our etablissments for don?t spouse that one long speech on the lips of ones and others. He is cleary defined likewise by god that by the porphets and messenger the get away role of the family in the proplusion of the human in the times and like this lead the small family in the way of radiance of the faith and the respect of others.Unfortunetly, since the advent of crisis, the continental conflicts, structural and organisationals, the defition and redefinition of project of society ( at the mercy of leader and of legislator), since the reset in walk likewise of the injustice that of the slavery and principaly since of robotisation of human person, the fondamental bases of word ?family? for the reasons very sharply are been disrupt for see to relocate and finaly re-set to anguish of word groups ?save who can? or ?again?the fight of voice between the male sex and female sex, or again such or such relation of force. The animalization of human being even if there are very long time, today, reconized in the differents system of manage, the accomplice of dreams and in the ghetos , a place of predilection for his blossoming... The maintain of his pains stay against to the spirit of family... Don?t use this word like we can see it in the speechs of ones and others and I will do gift of his usitilisation.... Don?t protect you behind the beautiful speech on the child protection and I will do gift of the same children... Don?t mark the multitude of zero behind the ones, twos, or threes... And I will do to you gift of daily of the same child born of desappearly of company when such or such increasely of wages don?t releve of unlegimited article. Don?t use the manage of nation, and I will do to you a gift of the categorization of the society in third classes diversificated :the intouchables, the leader classes, and the cobayes... The family being the first school for the child and the great university for the man and the woman, must be reconized like a good value to know the principal fondation likewise the culture and education. She must be the principal engine of all action... ( The principal cause of the flight of brain who break the family, stay the flight of the responsibility that the responsible evitate it in their speech...) The rate in constant inscreasely of mixed wedding are here for re-launch the heathly debates on the family...He done nevertheless that the elect forget a little the sentence ?it?s only for a visa that the family to become convert to such or suc religion? that they have launched of high of assembly and send back their behaviours the most often unworthly of the representation of one society... Again that the responsible know that the family isn?t only those of such or such level or of such or such other level. They must equaly that the differents responible know that it isn?t because they are protected of lack or again the physical possibility and moral and don?t can empty this word (family) of the noble sens. Are we to the higher of good prise of conciouness of the impression that we let with our flight before the means who permit to the family go in before and renforce the links of the family, and don?t let done install the dissension and also decrease their belonging regilious and other? (alusion done to family code which stay one of means for the dehumanization of the society.) He don?t be suffisant to invent the article or the codes for assert tighten see resolve the familial links which of our days are so fragile that the fear of tomorrow strangle you. We can all do for go with by the means ( material or moral) who allow to rights and obligations to stay that they are and no become of unsuportable borden facility like that the dispersion of family. Here, it?s an other problem who releve likewise fo faith degree that of respect of word respect... It isn?t the supression of existence means that we safeguard a family like it isn?t with the liberation of manners that we protect this family as we speak and again less in mixing that don?t to be mix that we facile the blooming of family... ( Certain articles are a godsend of the unfaithful woman) to follow.

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- A Code Coded For A Decoded Family (continuation 06)

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