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The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
(samuel taylor coleridge)

Coleridge was affected by Saint Thomas Aquainis who said: every human being is related to three things; himself, his society, and God. if this human commits a sin or a crime, he will corrupt his relation with himself, his society, and God. so a triple punishment will be inflicted on him.coleridge exemplified saint aquainis philosophy in this way. the mariner commtied a sin and a crime by killing the albatross with his cross bow. the triple punishment was inflicted on him as follows:
self punishment:his tongue was parched and his lips were dry to the extent that he would not pray. moreover, he saw nightmares that terrified him.he couldnt endure the pain of his conscine and remorse so many times he wished to be among the dead. to get rid of physical and phsycological torture he resorted to confession. every time he saw a person he told him his story as he did with the wedding guest.
the social punishment: it came from two sources;first from the shipmates who blamed him for shooting the albatross.even after their death they gazed at him with their stony eyes which terrified him to a large extent.second the death like woman and the ghost like woman scared him much.
the divine punishment:God punished the ancient mariner in the following ways:he froze the sea water and the ship was stuck in its place.also God sent copper like clouds and silence which dominated the place. then there came the darkness. these natural phenomena horrified the mariner.moreover, when the shipmates died the ancient mariner suffered from lonliness. he was in solitary confinement or in house arrest.also god sent a huge storm which drove the mariners ship and dashed it against a rock the storm had its impact on the mariner because he fell in a swoon.
thus we notice that Coleridge ballad has the following themes:
a criminal cant escape the triple punishment from himself , his society, and god.
a sinner can attain pardon and salvation in these ways:
by confession which eliminates grief and brings relief
by teaching people to stay innocent and away from crimes
by repentance and praying god to grant pardon
by loving people which is clarified in the ballad by these few lines:
he prays best who loves best. all things both great and small because god who created us keeps and loves all.

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