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Juventud En Extasis
(carlos cuahutemoc sanchez)

YOUTH IN ECSTASY CONTENIDO. - East book begins in that Efren Alvera a student of odontolgy saw fixedly Joana the ragamuffin mas handsome(pretty) of the university, Efren was in the holiday(party) of end(final) of semester, this ragamuffin had caused always a great admiration for his(her,your) great beauty and especially beautiful body, this night like few Joana she was alone and without track of his(her,your) boyfriend, Efren saw her of milestone in milestone, suddenly it(he,she) realized that Joana was not, I raise and it(he,she) started it searching, on having seen that she(it) was going out of the dressing-table went towards her(it) to run up it as if nothing, the first one did as if not It(He,She) had seen and later since the tape-worm faces I greet her, on having heard a song invite her to dance and she acceded, on having been dancing interrupted the dance and I invite her to a glass, he(she) was chatting with her(it) and as if God had done it all the lights went out and put romantic music and before Efren says to him(her) she(it) I invite it to dance, the two put very juntitos and he(she) said to him that always it(he,she) had attracted him, suggested him that they went to some place mas comfortably where they could chat to taste, she(it) did not answer but when they removed themselves of the track they went to saCompanions, when they rose to the car it(he,she) gave a kiss to him in the hand. Already in to the car I ask that said to where it(he,she) wanted to go she that where she(it) wanted, she(it) went to a mall and buy a bottle, glasses and things of eating, it(he,she) wanted to seize some condoms but he was feeling disabled before Joana''s presence, on having come to the car I caress her and he(she) said to him(her) that always it(he,she) was looking at her silently and was drawing it told him(her) everything of what towards for having fence and she(it) I look at it fixedly with the half-open mouth and gave a kiss to him. Immediately it(he,she) gave to him(her) other one and immediately they found both ignitions, it(he,she) was time of that it(he,she) was acting, it(he,she) went to a few departments that it(he,she) knew that they had garage with a sliding door that not y goodbye of It(He,She) was stopping saw the one who was going down the car, she(it) I ask him(her) that to where it(he,she) had brought it and it(he,she) answered that there they could chat and drink mas to taste, his(her,your) language him(her) the licked one met and she(it) him(her) under the clothes making it seminude she(it) suggested him(her) to go to the quarter(room) and the acceptance. Already later in his(her,your) quarter(room) already having left Joana he(she) felt an ardor in the genital zone to turn he(she) found a zone ulcerada with infinity of small sores, there put to think the one who had infected it, not wise the one who for whom it(he,she) had been with many women, put to think that it(he,she) had done with Joana and to see if it(he,she) could remember(remind) some indication of which Joana had some disease, nothing. The following day his(her,your) respective ones

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- A Lua De Joana

- The Moon Of Joana

- A Lua De Joana

- Joana D´arc

- A Lua De Joana

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