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Diet & Weight Loss Part

Related Tutorial Topic:  Why Exercise Is Important for Weight Loss

Take It Easy
Unless you are excited to be following a very specific diet and exercise plan, do not try and change too much too fast. If you have been eating poorly and not exercising, both your body and your mind will have a lot of adjusting to do.
All the sugar and fat were actually quite enjoyable, and sitting on the couch didn''t feel too bad, either. If you try and change everything too quickly the odds are greater that you will feel bad, get discouraged, and give up. So be patient.
A time will come when a healthy snack will taste as good as the junk food you felt bad about eating, and you will look forward to your regular exercise.

Begin Now
You can achieve your goals, but it won''t likely happen as a result of the next fad diet. Or the one after that.
Learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long term weight loss.

Resumos Relacionados

- You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual For Waist Management

- Importance Of Exercise

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

- Ultrametabolism : The Simple Plan For Automatic Weight Loss

- Ultrametabolism : The Simple Plan For Automatic Weight Loss

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