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I Really Wanted To Be A Blogger!!!!!

i really wanted to be a blogger but i dnt know how!!!! i feel so idiot! i dnt know i dnt have any idea when it cames to blogging! i ask my friends about it but i dnt know its like there just saying they know it but i guess not i dnt know to whom i could really ask.... i always surf the net thinking i could know how yo blog by myself..... but i failed...!!!!!!! i have so many question in my head but no one could answer the rigth thing! i feel so stupid! I DNT HAVE  a choice coz in the field i sutdy its the science that were studying of so how can i know thoose things! we dont even have a computer subject! so how will i know the ways in the internet! hu hu hu hu i wish theresm one who can help me......i feel so sad about this...

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