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Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows?

                It was near the mid night and the surrounding environment was very quite as it is witnessing something worse than bad which has happened, and this quitness was suddenly broken by a cry of a child and a well grown ,tall man who have been sitting near the window of his little room and who had been in a deep thought was shoked and nearly felled off from the old wooden arm chair where he always used to sit and think for hours and hours whenever he's having a serious problem.

he stood and took the candle which had been placed in the middle the window bar and went towards the child who has started crying .he went near the bed where the poor little baby was lying and stared down and lowered the candle which was in his left arm slowly so that he could see the face of the little child .the baby was crying even louder than before and tears were pouring down along his rose white cheeks like little rain drops.........

                                  Hi dear readers this is the start of the new story i have started writing and i have decided to write this story according to your wish i started the story and now i'm giving you the chance to decide wether it should be a horror,adventure,action,social, or a story about a magical world (like harry potter ,but if you decide this should be a magical story then youll find completely lot different story than harry potter), and also you get the oppertunity to name this story and also i'll enter your name in the introduction of this book if i chose your idea and title for this book. so go on......

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


