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Memoirs Of A Geisha
(Arthur Golden)

This book Memoirs of a Geisha has a marvelous story as it is a true story.It tells an extraordinary tale of a geisha and the life she had to live. this story takes place from 1929 to the post-war years of japan's dramatic history. This book gives us the insite view into a half-hidden world of eroticism and enchantment, exploitation and degredation.
ithis book reveals the life of a girl from childhood to adulthood. her upbringing wasn't a normal one as she was brought up by a geisha mother and aunt which treated her badlysometimes. it impressed me the way that a geisha used to be, the way she became a geisha, the rituals and every strange thing she was forced to do. having read this book i can truly say that it has made a difference in my view of prostitution, as now i understand more what she might have felt and they way she lost her diginty. may this book be helpful to widen up the view of such a differnet civilised culture. 

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