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Secrets Of Film Writing
(Tom Lazarus)

This book doesn't repeat the same material many of the scriptwriting books tend to do. Tom Lazarus shows you ways to make a script stand out from the rest. He has accomplished this feat five times. Not just any writer claiming to know everything about screenwriting, he has concrete proof that his tricks really do work. Technique is one of the most important aspects of writing in Hollywood. If you tell a story from beginning to end, it may lack the creativity that would be possible if you used technique. Writing for film and television are included in this gold mine. Secrets of the business and what they are looking for are in stone. Lazarus knows his stuff as one student is quote on the cover, "Tom is God." Hollywood and the audience is who you're writing for. If you want to enter the business, you have to understand what the industry is looking for. Lazarus makes it simple and delves quickly into how you can prepare your screenplay to make it likable and profitable. Go out and get this book because it's definitely different than other writing books that cater to film & television. This will be one of the most valuable pieces of literature that you will come across while on your journey to success.

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