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A Doll''s House
(Henrik Ibsen)

A Drama, which was written by a Norwegian Dramatist changed the scope and the views of the people at that time as well as of the people to come in future generation.

Henrik Ibsen
was born in Norway in 1829 nearly hundred miles off Oslo. His father was a businessman dealing with exports and imports. Most of his ancestors were sea captains and faced constantly the danger of sea voyages.
His earlier work were not recognized as good piece of work but the perseverance he put towards writing brought him fame.

His first play was Pretender. After writing this he self-exiled to Italy where he wrote his famous dramas, The Pillars of the Society, Ghost, Enemy of the People and the The Doll?s House.
All these dramas rose to stardom and were highly acclaimed by critics at that time. The trend to study his dramas as well as to study his works is continuing today than earlier since there are universal validity in those dramas.
The Doll?s House is a story of a family who faces emotional conflict in the middle of their marriage and dooms to apart as a result of these conflict.
The Drama is confined to few scenes and to very few characters dwell in it. But the conflict it creates and the questions it raises are so universal, spectators are compelled to believe that they are looking at their inner conflict within the institution of marriage.
Even a reader of The Doll?s House, though he is not looking at a stage is made to believe and visualize how a marriage is going to be ideal when this hypocrisy is ample within it.
Almost all the characters are life size and there is no exaggeration or heroes within The Doll?s House. They are confronted with their inner feeling and tested in the arena in a vicious manner that no one can disagree with the end.
But each and every one may have different ideas about the lives of the characters.
One may think that Helmer should be sympathized and Nora should be blamed for what has happened.
Others may feel sorry for the Krogstad as well as Mrs. Linda.
Dr. Rank is another Character that has powerful implication to gain our sympathy.
But there are main issues which have to be highlighted.
The Drama discusses the Institution of Marriage and the position of the wife in it.
It gets forward the feminism and gives the due place to woman in marriage as well as in the society.
It also discusses whether to lie or behave and live in hypocrisy is how far suitable to an ideal marriage.
It also discusses social issues, self-respect, duty and inter connection with each other in the society.
Nora, the main protagonist of the Drama rotates within everyone lives and gain knowledge and self enlightenment through experience.
It gives her opportunity to understand what really happening in the Institution of Marriage.
She refuses to obey rules of marriage once she becomes to know the hypocrisy within it.
The artificial love and the bogus ideals of the Society are the things she questiones throughout the drama.

At the end she goes out to the society to find about herself as well as the soceity where she lives. Though there are questions about her decision to keep away her children and husband, when comparing with Mrs. Linda, the comparable character to Nora, who goes totally different way we have doubt about the her decision.

How valuable these issues are in the marriage as well as in the outside world when we are living in it?
The Doll?s House of Henrik Ibsen create vast panorama where in it, spectators compell to rethink about their souls and lives from a different angle.

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