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The Importance Of The Art For The Socialization
(rui arts)

 The importance of the art for the socialization The world is great e fits In this window on the sea. The sea is great e fits In the bed and the mattress to love. The love is great e fits In the brief space to kiss. Carlos Drummond de Andrade I want to initiate this article saying that he is one I privilege to be an educator for formation. It is a privilege to be able to be part of a devaluated professional classroom, play to the relento for our governing, but that at the same time, by itself if it makes indiscutivelmente important for the development of a nation. I say this because to be truily educator it is a privilege of few. While educators, we will be what to want. Also me astonishment when I make a reflection on the power that we have in our hands in the direction of the social life of each pupil who passes for our classroom. It does not give fear to it? To know that you he is one of the responsible ones for the nature of the human being that we will have in the future. To know that always we will be remembered as that professor... that one, knows! Inside of this philosophy, it comes me in mind as she is important and beneficial, the socialization of this human being through the art while resource for the humanização of the educational process. The union of these two sources, art and education, provide practical true of that it is declared in the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National education in its article 3º, of the principles and ends of the national education, to respect, to value and to guarantee to educating a complete formation of practical contents in its existence. The art humaniza, and if it humaniza, we need more the one than never, its use in the educational way and more still in the way society in general. Therefore if we together have conscience of that the education is the structural base, with the family, of a full society, also we have conscience that we need to each day more than people compromised to this question humanização the individuals. Humanizar in the complete and full direction of the word. More of the one than to give conditions to the experience individuals, of survival, to give it chance to they to be who really is, with all its individuality and peculiarities. We are certain of that the power of the word is fatal, and is therefore that we write. I write because I think, and if I think, then I exist. It will be? We need to assume our participation while coadjuvantes citizens in the production of knowing and consequently to alert to the pupils of whom they are the protagonists of this process. The art in provides this to them, the privacy enters the participants of the paradigm teach-learning. According to Luzia de Maria (1998, p. 59), what the art searchs is exactly to preserve the integrity of the men, to provide each being with the necessary food so that if it materialize in it the human being direction. E if the search are for the humanização, more of the one than just to join art and education so that our world is better. It can seem that I am trying to write an auto-aid article, full of baseless beliefs and utopias, but my intention is not this, is yes to make to believe them that only the involved people in the development of the society, are of which segment are part (family, friends, educators, sociologists, etc.), can change this history. While to continue privileging useless things for the partner-cultural growth of the pupils we will be contributing for the mesmice where if it finds our world. Summary: This article has as objective to present to the educators and excessively interested parties, a reflection on the importance of the art in the education while resource of socialization and humanização of the aluno.Palavras-key: art, education, pedagogia, school. The importance of the art for the socialization the world is great cabeNesta e window on mar.O sea is great e cabeNa bed and in the mattress of amar.O love is great e cabeNo soon space of beijar.Carlos Drummond de AndradeQuero to initiate this article saying that he is one I privilege to be an educator for formation. It is a privilege to be able to be part of a devaluated professional classroom, play to the relento for our governing, but that at the same time, by itself if it makes indiscutivelmente important for the development of a nation. I say this because to be truily educator it is a privilege of few. While educators, we will be what to want. Also me astonishment when I make a reflection on the power that we have in our hands in the direction of the social life of each pupil who passes for our classroom. It does not give fear to it? To know that you he is one of the responsible ones for the nature of the human being that we will have in the future.

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