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Transport Management
(bismark boateng)

- Management of Transport Assets and Accounts
At the end of the session delegates will:

Be fully conversant with the UN systems of fleet acquisition and replacement
Fully understand and be able to administer property records in DPKO
Be conversant with the structure, workings and authority of HQ and local Property Survey Boards
Be able to manage the disposal of property in accordance with the appropriate directions

Vehicle Fleet Acquisition and Replacement                                                          2

Vehicle Establishment Committee                                                           5
Inventory Control / Asset Management Unit                                              8
Contingent ? Owned Equipment (COE)                                                    9
Property Records and Inventory Control of Non-expendable Property                       10

Definition of Property Types                                                                    10
Maintenance of Property Records - General                                              11
Maintenance of Property Records in DPKO ? UN Owned
Non-expendable Property                                                                        12

Maintenance of Property Records in DPKO ? Property
Held by Contingents                                                                               13

Property Survey Boards                                                                                      14        

Establishment                                                                                       14
Functions and Terms of Reference                                                           15
Local Property Survey Boards                                                                 15
Write-off and Provisional Condemnation of UN and Contingent-Owned Property        23

General                                                                                                 23
Authority for Write-off in Field Missions                                                    24
Property Survey Action                                                                           25
Disposal of Property                                                                                           26
Exercises       &n

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


