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That Was Then, This Is Now
(S.E. Hinton)

That was then. This is now
  This book ?that was then. This is now? was written by S.E. Hinton. This book is about a main character name Bryon and his best friend Mark and how they live in a horrible neighborhood. But while Mark continues to go on with messing up his life and do illegal things like fighting and drinking Bryon relieves that there is something better than doing things like this once his friend Charlie, the bartender gets killed trying to save Bryon and Mark?s lives. But it is hard for him when everyone around him everyone around him is staying the same, but when he meets a girl name Cathy she completely changes his life when he falls in love and starts dating her. Soon her brother M&M starts smoking marijuana and taking acid and starts to freak out and after they take him to the hospital Cathy is too worried to be with Bryon. When Bryon relieves that Mark is selling the same kind of drugs M&M was on he gets mad and calls the police when mark is arrested Bryon feels bad and  breaks up with Cathy soon after. After talking with Mark in prison he relieves he lost every one he truly cared about.

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