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Film Noir Reader
(Alain Silver: James Ursini)

This book elaborates on the dark and popular influence of Film Noir during its conception during World War II and till the late 50''s. Included articles of film scholars further elaborate on films that influence the concept of the female vamp and the seduced male characters. Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity, The Killers, Strangers on a Train, Laura and Touch of Evil are just a blur of what this genre had produced in two decade span of popularity. If you attend college or want to learn about Film Noir, you must read this book. It ignites the interest by reversing the usual concept  of male driven films. Women play an important role in driving the plot and heavily influence the plot. Film Noir is closely analyzed by some of the greatest directors in the industry. Technique of using or lack of lighting, dark concept, murder, corruption, deception, betrayal and first person narration are deeply rooted in this collage of darkness that transformed Film Noir to one of the purest concepts to ever hit the big screen. Read this book and you will be hooked on the genre that introduced many of the most historical film in cinema history.

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