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The Female Brain
(Louann Brizendine)

From 20 years of research... The mystery of female brain has been discovered.Do you know that at the beginning, every brain is a female brain? The brain become the male brain 8 weeks after the embryo developed.Louann
Brizendine, M.D. is a neuropsichiatry pioneer and
Director of Women''s Mood &
Hormone Clinic, UCSF (first clinic in US which specialize in researching the function of female brain). Using common words and avoiding the technical terms that make it easy to understand along with the example from daily experiences, she described the latest findings which shows how unique the structure of female brain that determine the way how woman think, things that they consider important, and who they will love. Brizendine presented the explanations from many questions, such as :- Why female use about 20,000 words per day when male only use less than 7,000 words per day?- Why female remember the details of their fights that was not remember at all by male? - Why female teenagers obsessed on their physical looks and how they talk on the phone?- Why the thoughts about sex came into a female brain once in two days but every minutes to the male''s brain?- Why female can sense what others feel, while male can''t see it except if someone cry?- Why female above 50 years of age may file a divorce more than the male?-
Why female tend to form a deeper bond with their girl friends while male didn''t tend to do as well with their boy friends?- and so much more...

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