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(Caroline Aldred)

"Sextasy" is a book about love and sex, two concepts that we must considered linked. It explores the sexuality of males and females from a new point of view, teaching us how to open our mind to get new knowledges and feel new sensations never imagined before. It begins with an introduction where it explains the meaning of engagement. It also presents comunicatio like something very important for a couple. It always refers to oriental teachings and concepts to show us a different concept of Sex experience: body language, gestures, kisses, attraction...
It follows with and exploration of the body (male and female body), explaining how to find the erogenous pojnts and different ways to obtain pleasure, as well as a description of the desires of men and women, very useful to know better the opposite sex. The author teaches us how to control our impulses, to achieve a more satisfactory relation, free of taboos and pressure. She also talks about different postures and technics to practise sex: masturbation, orgasms, sexual games, sexual tools, pornography...
All of this requires a considerable wide open mind. We must be ready to enjoy new experiences, forgetting prejudices. This can be difficult for some people. It´s important to do new things, because this knowledge will help in order to improve our sexual relations, but we must respect the other and ourselves when going beyond the limits. Innovation is important, but we must feel confortable and relax when we are doing sex.
At the end of the book, the author makes a breef review about conception and teach us sexual technics to influence in the election of the sex of the future baby.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Beauty Of A Woman: A True God Gift.

- The Beauty Of A Woman: A True God Gift.

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