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Confessions Of A Prodigal Son

Confessions of a Prodigal Son               
When I was a boy, my father always told me think ten times or more before doing anything.  For him it was easy doing it.  But me, I don?t know why but I couldn?t possibly follow that advice.  I would only think it over after I?ve done it already.  Most of the time, I feel ashamed and full of regrets in my actions.  As a result my father would often tell me, ?I told you so.?  I am the youngest amongst the three; there was our eldest brother, Kuya Ador; the middle child, Ate Abby; and then me.  My kuya and ate could be classified as the most loved and most ideal children a parent would want for.  They were very good Son and daughter,  They always follow father?s orders.  They would always help mother in whatever chores.  Kuya Ador was a very intelligent student.  He got a scholarship in high school and was always a topnotch in his class, while my Ate Abby was always second placer in her class. And I was an average student.  I didn?t always belong in the topnotch spot most of those times I ran in the six to ten ranks only.  My father was less proud of it and he would tell me I should do better next time.  Well, maybe I could but I didn?t wish to compete with my Ate and Kuya.  As much as I want, I?d like not to be compared with them.  Ever since a child, I have wanted to be different.  I also cared for my father and mother.  I have always helped my mother like my siblings, but still I did not want to grow in their shadows.  I always wanted to know my own craft, my own desire, and my own dreams.  I, myself dislike pressure, and too much expectations.  However, like other child, there were moments that I envied my brother and sister of the attention father showered them.  In our place, my siblings were well known.  They were famous because whenever Ate or Kuya got rewards or honors, father would always announce it.  Then our neighbors would always ask about me every time it happened.  Father would just shrug and utter, ? Just the same.?   

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